I started today with a sinus headache so took some meds and went back to bed. After a 2 hour hard sleep I felt much better and went down to St. James for the Ash Wednesday service.

     So today is “D day”! And as you can guess, D is for diet. I’ve gained 10 pounds since June. I looked great at the beginning of vacation and came home 5 pounds heavier. And between all the tailgating and holiday foods managed to gain the other 5. Maybe some of you can relate, others are luckier in this department. Well, I have started and stopped at least a dozen times since the first of the year, so I am sharing this with you so I will be accountable. I have been going to Zumba regularly so if I can get my eating under control that should help. I don’t eat too much “bad” stuff–it’s just a constant battle getting in all those fruits and veggies. So I’ll keep you posted:)

     My goal for the last 3+ weeks of sale-a-bration is to find some new customers. And I found one today. Wish me luck!

     I’ll be sharing the cards from our demonstrator swap now and then. We have a very talented group of demonstrators. So here is another demo swap card.

     Hope to see you again tomorrow!
Happy stampin’,