Today’s post centers on one of my most favorite things! Coffee! Wether you call it cafe, cup of joe, java, liquid energy, mud, mojo or any of the other slang words out there–there is nothing better than a cup of FRESH hot Community Dark roast coffee. And I mean fresh! I will not drink coffee leftover from the morning for my 3 o’clock treat!
If I go out for coffee it’s Starbucks having my usual grande skinny latte with two splendas, please. Now sometimes the baristas get a little snooty and when repeating my order are sure to say “nonfat” instead of “skinny” for the skim milk. In fact this darling guy waited on me in Issaquah (a burb outside of Seattle). When he repeated my order word for word I exclaimed, ” I love you!” and being a cute and smart guy he said, “I love you, too!” Then I proceeded to explain why I loved him–he was the first barista that had ever said skinny and not changed it (snootily) to nonfat! Wow! The little pleasures in life!
Another pleasure is taking time to enjoy a cup of coffee with my friend Betty or Mr. Warren, a dear elderly friend.
Again I’m sharing a Leadership swap. And the sentiment says it all: Coffee and friends are the perfect blend! And if you don’t indulge in coffee (don’t tell me!) maybe it’s tea or a cold drink, wine, whatever…take time to enjoy it with a friend. Time is fleeting–January is almost gone–do it today!